Publication Update

The day is almost here. Publication of The Robin Randle Stories will be in December. I’m currently writing a second Robin story so I decided to change things a bit.
Book 1 – (the original novel) is now titled-
“In The Region Where Madness Dwells • During the Time of Shadows” a Robin Randle Story.
Book 2 – “Legends of the End” a Robin Randle Story
More on Book 2 later.
Make sure to sign up on our email site so you will be the first to know when Book 1 is out. I plan special promotions, signed copies, free copies and merchandise if there is a demand. I need all your help to have a successful launch. Please click HERE.

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a story still told


…Thus Hecate became key-holder of hell and Queen of the Departed, dispatching phantoms from the underworld. At night she left Hades and would roam on earth, bringing terror to the hearts of those who heard her approach.

She was accompanied by her hounds and by the bleak souls of the dead. She appeared as a gigantic woman bearing a sword and a torch, her feet and hair bristling with snakes, her voice like that of a howling dog. Her favorite nocturnal retreat was near a lake called Amaramtiam Phasis or The Lake of Murders.